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2014-Gazprom Neft presentation at the RRTC-2014 Conference


JSC "Gazprom neft" on the topic "Technology Future Development and Environmental Safety Mamagement" at the Russia and CIS Refining Technology Conference  RRTC-2014.

"Energy Efficiency Actions"

Ceramic coating of the furnaces - Applying High-Emissivity Ceramic coatings on the coils and refractory of furnaces is an effective energy-saving actinity. Allowing to significantly increase the efficiency of furnaces by increasing the heat load of the radiant section of the furnace and as a result reduce fuel consumption.

Source: Report of JSC "Gazpromneft - Omsk Refinery" at the Conference on refining technologies in Russia and CIS countries - RRTC-2014 on the topic "Prospects for technological development and ensuring environmental safety".

Green Ray

Green Ray

Green Ray

Green Ray

Expierence of Green Ray Ltd. company's employees on the works related to the implementation of Furnace Blackening Technology (FBT) using High Emissivity Ceramic (HEC) coatings are described on the page "FBT Reference List on Russia & Europe in 2011-2022" of this website.

Customer reviews on the Furnaces Blackening Technology (FBT) using High Emissivity Ceramic (HEC) coatings and Statistics on them are given on the page “Customer Feedback of FB Technology" of this website.

Reference lists of Green Ray Ltd.'s employees on the performed work are posted on the "Qualifications and Experience" page of this site.

Green Ray