The experience of implementing the Furnace Blackening Technology (FBT) at PJSC "Slavneft-YANOS" was performed on the P-101 Furnace at the Diesel HydroTreating Unit (DHTU) with the using of High-Emissivity Ceramic coating (HEC)
The comparison BEFORE and AFTER the application of HEC was performed in a "clean experiment" without any additional measures affecting the energy efficiency of the Furnace H-101.
The results were compared for well-organised by Customer runs of the Furnace P-101 BEFORE and AFTER the application of HEC coating Solcoat with strict tolerances for deviation of technological parameters of the Furnace. Calculations of the HEC effect were carried out according to the Calculation Method agreed with the Customer in advance. In addition, the licensed software product ChemCAD was used.
The final version of the Report on the effect actually achieved from the introduction of FBT with the application of HEC coatings on the lining and tubes inside the radiation chamber of the furnace H-101 (Edition No.4 of 18.04.2019) was formed taking into account:
- all Customer's comments were taken into consideration , adjustments were made to the initial Report;
- the actual deviations of the operation technological mode of the GODT Installation and the P-101 Furnace were taken into account within the framework of the previously approved by the parties Methodology for determining the effect;
- actual difference in temperature of diesel at the entrance of the P-101 Furnace within the approved Method of calculating the Effect;
- the actual difference in environmental conditions (average daily temperature and humidity of the ambient atmospheric air) was taken into account.
The customer, in the final version of the adopted Report, confirmed the result of the implementation of the FBT on the furnace H-101 of the Diesel HT Unit effect was 6.65 %