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2018-The letter of Omsk Refinery about FBT applying HEC


General Director JSC "Gazpromneft - Omsk Refinery" Oleg Belyavsky about applying HEC coatings:

«... works on applying of energy-saving ceramic coating to the refractory and coils of 36 Furnaces have been performed at the facilities of JSC "Gazpromneft -Omsk Refinery" in the period 2011-2018.

The economic effect of fuel economy on the technological Furnaces of the Omsk Refinery after coating was on average 3-5% for the inter-repair run.

The similar technology of applying ceramic coatings is also used at other enterprises of our Company: LLC "Gazpromneft – SM" (6 furnaces) and PJSC "NIS GAZPROM NEFT" at the Panchevo Refinery (Serbia) (2 furnaces).»

Oleg Belyavsky, General Director of JSC "Gazpromneft – Omsk Refinery"

Source: Letter JSC "Gazpromneft – Omsk Refinery" from 07 February, 2018, Ref.№ 20/3208

Green Ray

Expierence of Green Ray Ltd. company's employees on the works related to the implementation of Furnace Blackening Technology (FBT) using High Emissivity Ceramic (HEC) coatings are described on the page "FBT Reference List on Russia & Europe in 2011-2022" of this website.

Customer reviews on the Furnaces Blackening Technology (FBT) using High Emissivity Ceramic (HEC) coatings and Statistics on them are given on the page “Customer Feedback of FB Technology" of this website.

Reference lists of Green Ray Ltd.'s employees on the performed work are posted on the "Qualifications and Experience" page of this site.

Green Ray