General Director JSC "Gazpromneft - Omsk Refinery" Oleg Belyavsky about applying HEC coatings:
«... works on applying of energy-saving ceramic coating to the refractory and coils of 36 Furnaces have been performed at the facilities of JSC "Gazpromneft -Omsk Refinery" in the period 2011-2018.
The economic effect of fuel economy on the technological Furnaces of the Omsk Refinery after coating was on average 3-5% for the inter-repair run.
The similar technology of applying ceramic coatings is also used at other enterprises of our Company: LLC "Gazpromneft – SM" (6 furnaces) and PJSC "NIS GAZPROM NEFT" at the Panchevo Refinery (Serbia) (2 furnaces).»
Oleg Belyavsky, General Director of JSC "Gazpromneft – Omsk Refinery"
Source: Letter JSC "Gazpromneft – Omsk Refinery" from 07 February, 2018, Ref.№ 20/3208